Men's shed members with the Governor of Queensland Dr Jeanette Young , Professor Graeme Nimmo joint QSMA patrons and Mayor Greg Williamson the Shed Patron.
West Mackay Breakfast
You are invited to join us for the final Iona West Men's Breakfast . Breakfast will be 7:30am the first Saturday of every month at Iona West hall, 7 Brooks Street, West Mackay.
You have probably come across Bruce Miller as he has been around the Men's Breakfasts for quite a few years, and you may have even had to sit through some of his jokes. Bruce's hearing deteriorated to the extent that he has received a Cochlear Implant to assist with his hearing.The Men's breakfast have a guest speaker to share there experience and tell us more about this life .
Breakfast is still $5 and please feel free to invite friends and neighbours to the breakfast. To assist with catering it would be appreciated if you could RSVP to mensbreakfast@ionawest.org.au.
We hope to see you there!
Iona West Men's Shed will be having a display from the 11th September until 25 th September at both the Gordon White Library and the Dudley Denny Library. This will show case some of the work carried out by the volunteers of the shed.
Read the latest Men's Shed Newsletter here.
When did you have your last tune-up?
Us blokes can generally be quite fastidious about our machinery. It doesn't matter if we are farmers, timber workers, truckers, miners or car owners when a service is due on our machinery we either do it ourselves or we get the mechanic to do it. This is especially so when the value of our machinery is significant – sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars! With the correct maintenance schedule we can keep our machinery running optimally and can often avoid costly repairs - problems can be identified and fixed early before they become major.
Our most valuable piece of machinery however is our own health – if we are incapacitated then we are unable to operate all the other machinery that we own. But when it comes to us blokes looking after ourselves we are generally not very good at it! We mostly don't have a "maintenance schedule" and tend to use the "wait and see" approach. Physically, if we have an ache or pain, our attitude is often that of "I'll battle through this" or "I'll wait a while and see if this gets better by itself". For most of us we get away with this most of the time.
GET IN TOUCH. Email: info@malehealth.org.au
All Power to You - video for men with arthritis
QMSA has set up a video link, where anyone logging on to our website will gain access through this YouTube link.
Getting involved with volunteering and social activities can have many benefits including giving you the opportunity to meet and connect with new people, in new surroundings. It can help you make a few mates which can help combat depression and isolation. There is information on volunteering activities and clubs at: www.mackay.qld.gov.au.
What's on at a SHED near you?
Sarina & District Men’s Shed
Opening hours: 8am - 12pm Wednesday & Saturday
* Smoko around 9:30am
First Saturday of every month (2nd April) “knock off early” BBQ Lunch
Bowen Men’s Shed
Members are active in the community. They enjoy supporting local charities by donating the proceeds from their monthly Sausage Sizzle at the IGA. If you see them out and about drop in, say G ’Day, & grab a sausage.
Opening hours: 9am – 12:30pm Tuesday, 1pm – 4:30pm Thursdays, 9am – 12pm Saturdays
Bob Knight and the men of the Bowen Men’s Shed have been hard at it. Take a look at our April Newsletter to see some examples of their handiwork.
Beaconsfield Road Men’s Shed
OPEN: Every Wednesday 9am-1pm
Bowen Woodworkers and Wood-turners
Bowen Woodworkers and Wood-turners are located at the showgrounds (Mt Nutt Road) in Bowen. Click here to see some of the beautiful pieces they create.
Seaforth Men's Shed
Contact Chris Gee 0409808931
Located behind the Seaforth Bowls Club.